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Introduction to Kinesiology: A Biophysical Perspective 3rd Edition

By: Peter Klavora

The third edition is intended for entry -level courses focusing on the biophysical aspects of kinesiology and exercise science. The major areas of study include anatomy, physiology, sports biomechanics, motor learning, nutrition, weight management, physical fitness, and career opportunities. The third edition has updated content in seven chapters, including new topics and material. The text has new format and comes with complete instructor support materials.

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Peter Klavora Peter Klavora, PhD

Peter Klavora is an Associate Professor Emeritus from the Faculty of Physical Education and Health at the University of Toronto. Professor Klavora received his degrees from the University of Alberta and the University of British Columbia. For more than three decades, he was committed to teaching motor learning, sport psychology, coaching theory, and statistics and research methods at the University of Toronto. Early in his teaching career, Professor Klavora became interested in publishing in these fields. He authored, coauthored, and creatively edited over 40 texts, activity books, manuals, and guides. He also published 64 papers in refereed scientific and professional journals. Other creative professional work included the development of several innovative products and videos in the field of physical education.

Professor Klavora was an active member and president of the Canadian Society of Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology. He was also an international and national presenter at more than 60 scientific gatherings.

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Table of Contents
CH 01 What is Kinesiology
CH 04 The Pieces of the Body Puzzle
CH 08 The Heart and Lungs
CH 15 Developing Physical Fitness